About Sandra Krupp

La información y el asesoramiento jurídico ofrecido en la sección Blog es orientativo y no vinculante. Si necesita realizar una consulta jurídica cualificada, debe dirigirse siempre a un profesional debidamente calificado. Si lo desea, puede contactar con nosotros en info@consultingdms.com ---------- The information and legal counsel offered in the Blog section is just guiding and not binding. If you need to make a qualified legal inquiry, you must always address to a professional duly authorized. If you wish, you may contact us at info@consultingdms.com ---------- La informació i l'assessorament jurídic ofert a la secció Blog és orientatiu i no vinculant. Si necessita realitzar una consulta jurídica qualificada, ha de dirigir-se sempre a un professional degudament qualificat. Si ho desitja, pot contactar amb nosaltres a info@consultingdms.com

The prestigious WALL STREET JOURNAL mentions DMS Consulting regarding the discrimination of non residents on the taxation of inheritances and donations.

DMS CONSULTING mentioned in the WALL STREET JOURNAL (subscription needed). The prestigious Wall Street Journal mentions DMS Consulting in its article about the European High Court ruling against Spain for the discriminations of non residents on the taxation of inheritances and donations. We are extremely proud that the labour and monitoring of those important issues [...]

DMS Consulting celebrates its 25th anniversary.

For over a quarter of a century DMS Consulting has offered a legal, fiscal and corporate consulting at the highest possible level. There had been significant changes during all these years: the world itself, the Majorcan and Balearic society in particular but also the way in which our services are offered, especially when we take [...]

By |May 14th, 2015|Featured, Front|0 Comments


- NO WIN NO FEES - The European High Court has rueld in his seminal judgement of 03/09/2015 that the current Spanish legislation on the taxation of inheritances and donations is not compliant to European law because it discriminates the Non Residents in Spain (as they are forced to pay up to 34% even within [...]

By |May 13th, 2015|Featured, Front, Tax law|0 Comments