Areas of specialisation – Legal – Real Estate and Civil Law
Real Estate and Civil Law
Real estate law. Our firm has extensive experience in handling real estate transactions.
As urban planning legislation in the Balearic Islands is very complex, we pay particular attention to the legal situation of any property or land subject to transfer.
For this reason, our team includes urban planning law specialists, architects and engineers as well as international real estate tax advisors – we are therefore also able to advise our clients on all the tax implications of any real estate transfer.
We also advise on tenancy issues (drafting contracts, eviction process etc), horizontal property ownership and Spanish residential property law.
Inheritance law
We can advise in all aspects of succession planning and corresponding tax treatment, especially if your estate has international components and the EU Succession Regulation (Brussels IV) applies. We can also advise on the applicability of inheritance pacts.
Litigation and civil procedure
We have extensive experience in civil and mercantile courts. Whilst we always try to settle disputes out of court and avoid judicial processes, when there is no other alternative, we have highly qualified lawyers in this field with a thorough knowledge of civil procedure.
Real rights (jus in re)
- Easements, rights of way, usufruct, mortgages, etc.
Contract law
- Contracts for services, works contracts, swaps
Civil liability and damages
- Traffic accidents, professional negligence, breach of contract, infringements etc.
Family law
We offer a specialized, professional service to assist you in these delicate moments of your life. We analyse and examine the situation in its entirety and complexity and evaluate the tax and civil law implications (inheritance, property…) of each decision in relation to the current and future situation.
In family law issues, it is important to act with a long-term perspective.
Based on this commitment and taking into account the diversity and plurality of family structures in the 21st century, our services include:
- Divorces
- Separations
- Pre-marital agreements
- Child custody and guardianship of children
- Alimony payments
- Regulation of the matrimonial property regime
- Compensation payments
- Filiation
Please contact us
Our legal team provides a wide range of specialized legal services. We can assist you in your own language , this includes English, German, Spanish and Catalan.
New law for the legalization of illegal houses on rural land in the Balearic Islands
Dear customers, We are pleased to inform you that on 28th May last, Decree-Law 3/2024, on urgent measures of simplification and administrative rationalisation of the public administrations of the Balearic Islands, was published in the [...]
Who gets the pet after the divorce?
This topic has always played a role in divorce proceedings and divorce agreements, but has only been specifically regulated since the last Animal Protection Act came into force. What is a pet in the above-mentioned [...]