Areas of specialisation – Legal – Civil Law

Family Law

Counseling on matters of family law requires not only a special knowledge of the subject, but also a high degree of empathy and the ability to recognize and understand each family’s unique perspective. Therefore, an advisory service tailored to the personal needs of each family is essential.

Under this premise, our specialized lawyers advise on all matters relating to marriages, separations, divorces, custody and adoptions.

In addition to this, we can also assist you with guardianship and incapacity procedures.

Please contact us

Our legal team provides a wide range of specialized legal services. We can assist you in your own language , this includes English, German and Spanish Catalan.

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    2410, 2022


    By |October 24th, 2022|Categories: Civil, Property law|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

    Right of purchase from the neigbourhg of the land of the neigoburgt after the sold of it for properties on rural land in the Balearic Islands. (Balearic Islands’ Supreme Court Ruling // Agricultural Law 3/2019 [...]

    1309, 2017

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