Alejandro del Campo Zafra

Alejandro del Campo Zafra
Alejandro del Campo ZafraLawyer & Tax advisor


He is a Law graduate from the University of the Balearic Islands in 1989 and in 1990 he obtained Masters in Corporate Legal Consultancy at Business Institute in Madrid. In 1991 he joined the Il.lustre Col.legi d’Advocats of the Balearic Islands.

As one of the founders of the company he is managing the following areas of:

Financial and Taxation Law

Deeds Processing

Since then he has specialized in advising and tax management of companies and individuals, with special dedication to the real estate taxation and taxation of non-residents.

He has a qualification as an Administration Manager and a Real Estate Agent and he has collaborated with the CAEB for more than 10 years providing courses on business start-up and taxation.


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